Postcrossing is a website where you send postcards to people you don't know, and then some other people send postcards to you.
I've been sending some along with this message:
"A few years ago, in the basement of a new house I'd moved into, I found a box of postcards. They were all to, and from, completely different people. I think maybe somebody who used to live there was a collector, or something. It's strange, though. None of the postcards were ever addressed, or ever sent.
I've started sending them out on Postcrossing. I don't know who the writers are, but at least they'll finally get sent. I don't know who was meant to read them, either, but at least now someone will.
I hope you like it." ]

James, by the time time you read this, I should be camping somewhere up in those mountains! It got a bit hairy taking my ice axe through customs, but it turned out okay. I've still got the package, of course. Now let's just hope that your map was well-drawn! Speak to you in a few weeks. Nick.

Hi Julia. I arrived on the island today. See the plants? The forests here are out of this world. I'm told that the gold dust on the leaves is made by a special kind of insect - a bit like a silk worm. Julia - it's real gold! They harvest it every morning and ship it abroad. I know what you're thinking, but please don't. I'm a changed man now. I'd never dream of taking any. Back soon. Nick.

Joe, this view reminds me of the hill we used to sit on. The one overlooking the city. Just a few beers and a guitar - I'll never forget it! Hey - did you ever take Mary-Lou up there in the end? This is my city now. A few rocks, and not much else. To tell the truth, I can't wait to come home. 'til then, Nick.

Fuyuko, does this remind you of home? I still feel kind of guilty that I'm the one here and not you. You're still saving money though right? You'll be out here soon? Email me. Nick.

Holly, this is the outpost I've been billeted at. Strange they've got postcards of it, right? I got it from the only shop in the village, just a few miles down the hill. Work starts tomorrow. It looks like it'll be pretty intense, but I'll try to keep writing. By the time I've finished, those red flowers will be blooming. I'll bring you a bunch of them when I come home, okay? Nick.