Here is a selection.]
Hanging on by your fingertips from the window ledge of the bedroom of the royal princess of a country you'd never been to before last week.
Walking as far as you can, eyes screwed tightly shut. After a while you lose all sense of time or place.
Packed: A compass. The old map. Some food, wrapped in brown paper. A skin of water, bulging at its seams. And a single photograph.
That first cigarette, legs dangling off the unfinished bridge at the end of the world.
Balancing precariously. You keep as still as possible, praying like hell that the wind doesn't pick up.
Living in the belly of a whale. Plotting your escape.
And that's how you ended up in the middle of Piccadilly station, wearing somebody else's clothes.
Everyone in animal masks. They can't tell you're an outsider.
Stumbles across a sculpture of bones; an underwater graveyard for sharks.
The drums get louder. There is dancing, singing. You strain at the ropes. All the time, the drums get louder.
You went to live alone in a cottage in the woods. That was forty years ago. Now it's time to go back.
Rescued from a burning building by someone you really hate.
Acid rain. The thick, fat green clouds are gathered on the horizon, being blown this way.
As a child, your parents forced you to memorise an entire encyclopaedia.
In her pockets: Fluffy the Rabbit, four biscuits....and a knife. Lucy left home at dawn, the airship ticket held in a tight, tiny hand.
Making a dress for the princess. The pinnacle of your career.
The cast - ill, injured, changes of heart. Someone really doesn't want this play to happen. But the show must go on.
Every human is allowed to break the law once in their lifetime, with no consequences.
A small amount of a strangely-coloured, thick liquid sits in the bottom of a glass tube. "Two steps forward, one step back", you think.
Orchestra, on tour. Lost in the snow, with only two days until the next concert. The mood is sombre, until Phillippe strikes up a song.
When you open your eyes, you aren't where you were a moment ago.
Pilgrimage to a dank basement in a dirty back street in downtown New Orleans.
You are: Smaller than a fly, stronger than a bull.
Daytime - fixed at 12 hours on, 12 hours off.
Beached whale, moans terribly; seems injured, though no-one sees where. It opens its mouth wide...a team of experts heads in to explore.
A network of wooden walkways, built upon stilts. They lead across the swamp.
Deciphered: the language of birds. With enough effort, it can be learned. Ten people in the world are fluent. There is one native speaker.
The mood grows awkward between the crew and the captain.
Shadow in the water. Bigger than you. Bigger than the boat. Your daughter's craning her neck over the side, trying to see what it is.
The girl with the birthmark on her face, the guy who's confident but not popular, and the captain of the football team.
Giant bird stalks remote village. Going outside is impossibly dangerous.
Discovered: sound waves damage your health. By strict government order, music is banned. Viva la resistance!
Delusions: the girl believes she's made of glass.
Miss America's time in prison.
It drips on the unconscious man.
Boy with accordion. Fox in backpack.
Wolf girl, rides bicycle.
The colour pink and the colour grey have swapped for the weekend.
New wireless headphones: stuck in your ears. One song on repeat, and nothing you can do about it.
One-way ticket for the train to the end of the world. Everyone on board is wearing a mask. Out of the window: endless fog.
Tomorrow: the world dolphin training championships. You've practiced hard, but now Sparky's gone missing! Oh no! What could have happened?
In a small area of Africa, over a period of around a fortnight, every single giraffe turns up dead. Science is at a loss to explain it.
They weren't there when you went to sleep. But you wake up, and there they are - four words, scrawled messily on the ceiling.
Man lives aboard first flying home, an aircraft, refueled every day in midflight. His son, born in the sky, has never been on the ground.
All you can remember in this sort of situation is the one piece of advice you were given before you left: don't drink the seawater.
You've won! One plane ticket to anywhere. The catch: you pick a plane. We'll tell you where it's going after it leaves.
The world's cities: overrun by wild animals. But as always, society learns to cope.
Revealed: offshore wind farms for blowing, not for being blown. The British Isles are sailing away. But to where? And who's doing this?
I was raised by wolves, but have since left the forest, and adjusted to society...with the exception of one behaviour I can't seem to shake.
Every emotion you feel is doubled, from this moment on.
In ten seconds, you will be on live television. Ten....nine....
You know someone who always does what they are told.
Your current emotional state, summed up in one word, appears on your forehead - approximately once every five minutes.
You can speak every language in the world. Everyone else only speaks their native tongue.
You can read entire books in a matter of seconds.
Your new job is to photograph every species of animal on the planet.
Your wireless headphones get stuck in your ears, and you lose the player. You can't stop listening.
You own a hot air balloon.
You go temporarily blind at 7pm every evening, for a single hour.