Nottingham Contemporary shop game.

I've got a new game. Guess which of these items are actually for sale in the Nottingham Contemporary shop, and which I've just made up.

a) Moustache corkscrew
b) Shark toenail clippers
c) Eau de Paint perfume
d) Seed grenade
e) Andy Warhol finger puppet
f) Freudian slippers
g) Unicorn-shaped lightbulb
h) Detachable beard for cats
i) Book called "This Is Not A Book"
j) Jesus Christ topless calendar
k) Charles Darwin cuddly toy
l) T-Rex rubber

Highlight here for the answers:

[Real: A, D, E, F, I, L. Not real: B, C, G, H, J, K]

Dntel - Aimlessness

I reviewed Dntel's album "Aimlessness" for The 405.

Excerpt: "The mood is relaxed, like everything in the so-called 'chillwave' genre that sprung up while Dntel weren't looking."

Karen Gwyer - I've Been You Twice

I reviewed Karen's Gwyer's new EP for the405. Excerpt: "This is the second entry in Kaleidoscope's ongoing "limited dubs" project, where artists drape effects onto their music as it's recorded directly to tape..."

Tu Fawning - A Monument (review)

I've started writing about music for The405 at Here's my first, for Tu Fawning's album A Monument.

Excerpt: "The songs end up sounding like stories, rather than personal confessions. We get the emotions second-hand. It's the difference between a photograph of a scenic view, and actually being there..."


I reviewed the debut album of a Leeds band called Blacklisters, and then did a short Q&A with them. Both were for

Here's an excerpt from the review:

"...There's the same sense of danger; the same feeling that these songs are being played from underneath grimy bridges - trolls picking up instruments after a hard day eating billy goats..." [read more]

And here's an excerpt from the Q&A:

"...I want people to be perpetually sick on each other 'til the end of our set..." [read more]